1 Nov 2010

GLOBALG.A.P. for Greater Market Access of Agrifood Products

for participants from Asian countries

October 24 – 29, 2010 in Germany

The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) selected participants from various Asian countries who are involved in planning, development, implementation and promotion of GAP and GLOBALGAP (senior government officers, managers of farms/firms, academics, professional staff of quality assurance/certification bodies, or consultants of NPOs and other organizations).

Aim of the study tour is to explore latest trends and developments in good agricultural practices (GAP) and GLOBALGAP standard implementation and certification through direct exposure to successful examples in Germany.

Content of the study tour:

  • Introduction seminar in the GLOBALGAP head office, presentations by key players from various organizations to discuss the topic from different angles
  • Field visits to farms, processors and traders to identify the best practices of GAP and GLOBALGAP applications which can be promoted in Asian-Pacific countries
  • Question & Answer sessions, information exchange between participants, development of own country strategy, evaluation and reporting