Frank Gerriets - Director


Educated as an agriculture economist and wholesale manager, Frank Gerriets started his career at an organic wholesale company with responsibility for sales. He then moved to Naturland, an international farmers’ association and private organic certifier, where he was in charge of its financial management with additional responsibility for internal coordination. In that period, he led the development of innovative IT software for the administration and management of organic certification services and the respective operators.

Frank is a recognized expert in software-based quality management with a focus on traceability and risk-based audit management. As one of the founding directors of Organic Services since 2004, he frequently presents software-based quality and food safety concepts at conferences, trade fairs and other occasions.
Over the years of working on both national and international levels, Frank has developed good market insights as well as a high number of contacts to organisations and companies not only within the organic sector, but within the food industry in general.


Phone: +49 8158 92293 04
Mobile: +49 163 8691 843
Email: f.gerriets[at]
Skype: frankgerriets

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EU-funded Projects


As a member of IFOAM Organics, we are connected to hundreds of organic organisations from around the world.

Within the Space2Agriculture network, we exchange ideas on how aerospace can facilitate remote inspections.

Through IoT4Food, we explore how to make the best use of digital data, sensor technology, and artificial intelligence.