1 Nov 2017

Study Mission: Enhancing Access for Agrifood Products

A study mission sponsored by the Asian Productivity Organic Services organized by Organic Services.

The study mission sponsored by the Asian Productivity Organization in October 2017 with the objective to increase the participants’ knowledge on accessing European agrifood markets included delegates from 10 Asian countries (Cambodia, Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam). The group visited Munich and Cologne, Germany to gain and exchange knowledge that will benefit (organic) agrifood producers in their home countries. Delegates included senior professionals from agricultural and economic ministries and other government agencies, companies active in the food or organic food sector as well as associations of such companies, research institutes and institutes of higher education, and organic certification and accreditation agencies. The program comprised informative visits ANUGA, the world leading food fair, the organic farmers’ association Naturland and the marketing company Naturland Markt AG, Europe’s third largest municipal wholesale markets, Munich’s specialty market in the heart of the city, organic retail shops of various sizes, a traditional stone-oven organic bakery with about 200 own shops, GLOBALG.A.P. and IFOAM – Organics International, a federal state’s Chamber for Agriculture, Research Centre Horticulture as well as the leading development DEG providing international development finance and ended with a presentation of Frank Gerriets, Organic Services on Future of Food, Food Regulations, and Food Quality Control and Inspection Systems. 

Since about 10 years, Organic Services is organizing Study Tours, e.g. for the Asian Productivity Organization, Japan, for the Federal Reserve Bank of India, a Russian Delegation including the Ministry, and a GIZ Sri Lanka Delegation following BIOFACH 2018.