9 Feb 2018

Please Check out Our Newest Integrity Insider

There's lots to report about the organic sector and Organic Services' activities.

Please find the complete Integrity Insider of February 2018 here. This time, the Integrity Insider features:

Organic Services at BIOFACH 2018

Improving integrity - a lot has happened in 2017

ACA Traceability Working Group (NOP Accrdited Certifiers Association)

OTA - Global Organic Supply Chain Integrity Task Force


Odessa Conference - Improving Integrity of Organic Supply Chains

Organic World Congress, New Delhi, India, November 2017

Organic Integrity and traceability system for Kazakhstan

Check X - generic fraud prevention system Olive Oil added to FederBio Integrity Platform, 11-2017, Italy

Study Mission: Enhancing Access for Agrifood Products

Check Organic Search Module

Long night of science

Successful uptake of Ecert Basic after launch at BIOFACH 2017