How have you heard about Ecert Basic?
We found the Ecert Basic website online and got the impression that the tool could help us with our audit and certification management.
How do you administer your audit and certification data so far?
So far, we did not have a software solution, everything was done manually, with spreadsheets, etc.
Why did you look for a software solution for your certification management?
Because have realized that we need to standardize our certification procedures to remain competitive. On top of that, we want to be able to analyze and use our statistic data in a more efficient way, to be able to figure our where we have bottlenecks and where we can optimize our services.
What do you expect by using Ecert Basic?
We hope to make our services more efficient for our clients, to become more flexible and to speed up our processes.
Do you have sufficient internet coverage to use our system?
Yes we do, luckily we have a very reliable provider.
How many people in your company will work with Ecert Basic on a daily basis?
Roundabout 5 people in the beginning, and then we will see how it develops.
Which advice would you like to share with other small certifiers on how to stand their ground next to the big global players?
We recommend other small certifiers to do anything they can to be flexible, transparent and honest at the same time. The certification sector carries a promise that we all need to maintain.
We would like to thank BIOLATINA for answering our questions.