The 4th International conference on the organic sector development in Central/Eastern European and Central Asian countries will be held in parallel to the organic trade fair Ecology Izmir, providing participants the chance for B2B meetings as well as for traders to join the conference.
This year’s conference will focus on organic farming and how to maintain and improve its integrity. As Turkey is one of the leading organic cotton and textile producers, sustainable textiles will be included in the conference.
Organic products can be trusted. The inspection and certification regime is the best the food industry at large has ever experienced. But scandals and fraud cases weaken the integrity of organic.
Some issues which may later result in fraudulent actions have their beginning in the failure of successfully implementing organic principles in farming or at any other point of the food chain.
Experiences and challenges in organic quality assurance along the product chain will be discussed from the point of view of producers, processors and certifiers.
We invite you to submit your proposal to become a speaker of the 4th conference. The call for contributions is open until February 24, 2012.
Please also note the following dates:
- Early Bird registration until: February 29
- Call for contributions open until: February 24
- Notification of speaker acceptance / refusal until: March 2
- Submission of full papers until: March 9
- Conference days: April 13 – 14
- Excursions: April 12 and 15
Organic Services organizes the conference in cooperation with the Organic Federation of Ukraine and the local partner ETO (Ecological Agriculture Organization Association) from Turkey.
Participate and contribute to the development of the organic movement in the region. We are looking forward to meeting you in Turkey!
For more information, please visit the conference website.