The 2nd International conference will encompass various aspects of agricultural production focussing on practical experiences and research of plant production and wild collection, horticulture and wine production, animal husbandry, wine making and processing. The new EU Regulation on organic farming as well as certification aspects including others then organic will present the second focus of the conference. The third focus will include domestic and export market experiences and developments. The conference will close with an outlook for an overall sustainable development.
This 2nd International conference follows the successful 1st International conference in Kyiv, Ukraine held in April 2008 with more than 220 participants from 25 countries attending. Participants of the 1st conference stressed their intention to continue fruitful discussions of topics which are in the interest for the region.
National and international speakers, public and private, will present their perspectives and experiences. Apart from plenary sessions, participants are invited to discuss in smaller groups. Conference results will be addressed to important actors and be provided to all participants.